Roleplay (Yes Yes Vegetables Basket)

Cocomelon Roleplay (Yes Yes Vegetables Basket) 32x13x31cm

  • CoComelon Yes Yes Vegetables Basket, an interactive toy designed to help young children learn about fruits and vegetables through play. The basket comes with toy versions of fruits and vegetables, including a pear, strawberry, grape, carrot, green pea, and milk carton, that fit perfectly in the basket.
  • Children can press on the basket's nose to hear the popular CoComelon song, "Yes Yes Vegetables," and other fun sounds. The description notes that roleplaying games, like playing with the vegetable basket, can help expand a child's imagination, an important skill to develop during their formative years.
  • CoComelon Yes Yes Vegetables Basket is an interactive and fun toy that can help support children's learning and development. It is likely intended for parents and caregivers of young children who are looking for engaging and age-appropriate toys that can help promote healthy eating habits and imaginative play.
  • Recommended age: 2 years +
HK$465 免費送貨
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Category Mart
Brand Cocomelon
Product Line
Size 32x13x31cm
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  • 我们接受PayPal和信用卡付款。信用卡付款也是由PayPal处理,安全可靠。我们是看不见您的信用卡信息的,请放心购物。您的购物由PayPal提供保障,如果您收不到商品,可以向PayPal申请退款。
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