Vitamin E 500IU 150 Capsules (Parallel Import)

Blackmores Vitamin E 500IU 150 Capsules (Parallel Import) 150 Capsules

  • Powerful antioxidant for heart health.
  • Natural source of vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger.
  • Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin that protects cell membranes from damage. It is incorporated into the cell membranes and helps maintain their integrity throughout the body.
  • As an antioxidant vitamin E acts as a 'free-radical scavenger'. Free radicals are common in the body, arising through a variety of mechanisms. Some are generated in the body as part of normal energy-producing processes, some are generated by pollutants such as air pollution, and some are generated by lifestyle factors such as excess dietary fats, cigarette smoke, and alcohol ingestion. Vitamin E helps maintain heart health as it can help to protect artery walls from free radical damage. A damaged artery wall is more susceptible to developing plaques, which are raised patches on the normally thin and elastic inner wall of the artery. These plaques are composed of a number of substances which include oxidized LDL-cholesterol. Large plaques in arteries can end up obstructing blood circulation.
  • Vitamin E helps protect fat and cholesterol, particularly LDL-cholesterol, from oxidation. Fats and cholesterol are very susceptible to free radical damage, which leads to the formation of a toxic derivative called oxidized LDL-cholesterol. It is currently understood that LDL-cholesterol is only harmful to the body after it has become oxidized.
  • Dosage
  • Adults - Take 1 capsules daily with food
  • Children under 12 years - Not recommended
  • The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
HK$288 免費送貨

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Category Health
Brand Blackmores
Product Line
Size 150 Capsules
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