liquid vitamin D3 400 International units - 90 drops (2.5ml)

Baby DDrops liquid vitamin D3 400 International units - 90 drops (2.5ml) 2.5ml

  • The Canadian Pediatricians Association and Health Canada agree that breastfed babies should be supplemented with an appropriate amount of vitamin D from birth to help absorb enough calcium for healthy growth.
  • Breast milk contains only 10% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D. Even formula-fed babies still need to consume 400 international units per day. If every 250 ml of formula milk contains 100 international units of vitamin D, then the baby needs to drink 1000ml of formula milk a day to achieve the recommended vitamin D intake. For this reason, Xiaopu now introduces this Ddrops baby vitamin D drops jointly recommended by the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Dietetic Association, and the Canadian Health Association to all mothers. It has passed the Canadian NPN certification (NPN80001869), and the vitamin D is extracted from pure plants. Absorption, only one drop per day, can be dropped on the mother's nipple, pacifier, 400IU content, can meet the baby's daily needs for vitamins and minerals, add an appropriate amount of Baby vitamin D drops to your baby every day, your baby can get the right dose of vitamin D to help them build strong bones and teeth.
  • Instructions for use:
  • 1. Dosage: Children under 2 years old, take one drop per day.
  • 2. Usage: Open the Ddrops bottle cap, turn the bottle upside down with the bottle mouth facing down, and keep it for about 1-2 seconds (special bottle mouth design, usually the drops that come out first will flow back into the bottle, and the drops that come out It will form a whole drop), put a drop (content 400IU) of vitamin D on the nipple of the pacifier or MAMA, and let the baby suck the nipple or nipple for more than 30 seconds. Or it can be added to baby's solid food, juice or other food.
HK$199 免費送貨
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Category Health
Brand Baby DDrops
Product Line
Size 2.5ml
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